Environmental Clean Up in Illinois using the Site Remediation Program
How the Program Works
The Site Remediation Program or (SRP) is a voluntary program that protects human health and the environment while restoring beneficial use to properties. The ultimate goal of the SRP program is to get the client a NFR (No Further Remediation letter from the Illinois EPA.
The environmental professionals at Eagle Environmental Consultants know the most cost effective and reliable strategies to achieve closure with the state regulators. Our professionals have the expertise to develop an optimal investigation and remediation plans for your impacted site. We take into consideration the funding source and budget, time frames, and all governing regulations for the cleanup. Our professional staff designs our approach based on site-specific contamination and site conditions in order to remedy the problem. Some of the types of properties or business can be managed through this program include:
- Industrial Properties
- Dry Cleaners
- Recently Purchased Real Estate
- Commercial Properties
- Unregulated LUST (Leaking Underground Storage Tanks) Sites
According to the organization CCIM (Certified Commercial Investment Member), a recognized expert in the commercial and investment real estate industry, there are over 500,000 contaminated sites nationwide.