Asbestos Testing in Chicago Area

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that is carcinogenic and can cause serious health problems for people who are exposed to it. Commonly recognized as a health hazard, asbestos can be found in such products as insulation for pipes, floor tiles, popcorn ceilings, drywall, grout, caulking, roof shingles, tar paper, air duct tape and many other types of building materials. The professionals at Eagle Environmental Consultants are experts at identifying and managing your asbestos.

Asbestos Testing in Chicago
Asbestos Testing in Chicago

Asbestos Inspections

Asbestos inspections are useful in identifying asbestos materials in buildings built in the 1980s and before. Surveys provide building owners/operators, purchasers, real estate companies, financial institutions and developers with useful information on the location, condition and quantity of asbestos materials.  The inspection must be completed by a licensed state inspector, which Eagle can provide by our in-house inspectors.  Eagle can complete the survey at any facility and can also provide the client with information on the removal options and management of the materials

Asbestos Operations & Maintenance Plans

These plans provide a building owner or operator with information to properly manage their potential or confirmed asbestos materials.  The plan provides information to keep site workers safe of potential asbestos exposure and the necessary steps to periodically inspect and manage the materials.

How Eagle Environmental Can Help

Eagle can perform complete asbestos inspections at your facility, which includes sampling, using Illinois licensed inspectors.


Complete Operations & Maintenance plans to help you manage the asbestos in your building(s).


If removal or repair of the asbestos is needed, we can coordinate licensed and insured contractors to complete the work.

Steps involved: 

  • Contract and coordinate with licensed and insured asbestos removal contractors 
  • Project specifications and bidding documents
  • On-site project management
  • Arrange for on-site air sampling and analysis
  • Arrange for final air clearence sampling and analysis
  • Documentation of removal activities
Asbestos Testing in Chicago
Asbestos Testing in Chicago

The professional team at Eagle conducts safe and thorough asbestos testing to help you understand and manage the risk of hazardous materials in your facility. Our inspectors are professionally trained and we focus on providing high-quality services at competitive prices. 

As you plan your next renovation or repair project, it’s important to understand that the presence of asbestos in your facility could present a highly dangerous environment to the people involved. Our asbestos testing and sampling service help to eliminate the risk associated with asbestos disturbance and mitigate the potential costs associated with asbestos removal. 

Our Clients

Eagle is strictly a commercial asbestos inspection company and our clients include:

  • Commercial and Industrial Properties
  • Real Estate Transactions
  • General Contractors
  • Local and State Governments
  • Demolition Companies
Asbestos Testing in Chicago

For questions about asbestos testing in Chicago and surrounding area, please send an email to or call Eagle Environmental Consultants at (312) 768-3393

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